Maracanau, Brazil – Salvation, miracles and joy!


Maracanau was one of the largest campaigns we had in Brazil with over 30,000 in attendance on the last night. It was moving to see thousands of hands go up as people were invited to make a decision to follow Jesus.

The healings were extraordinary! The first person to testify was a young man that was born with cerebral palsy on his left size. For the first time in his life he was able to walk normally, stretch his arms and move the fingers in his left hand. Many other astounding healings followed as Jesus confirmed His Gospel in that city.

There was great joy in Maracanau!

In His precious name,

Rubens Cunha

About Us

Rubens Cunha is a Brazilian born missionary evangelist, author, and international speaker who has led hundreds of thousands to Christ worldwide through massive evangelistic campaigns. His global evangelistic ministry follows the model of Jesus: proclamation and demonstration of the salvation message with signs and wonders.

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