Mighty Harvest of Souls in Luís Eduardo Magalhães, Brazil

Our trip to the state of Bahia was a supernatural expression of the power of Jesus. In this video, you can check out some of the most impactful moments from our Gospel Crusade in the city of Luís Eduardo Magalhães. 

In addition to the three nights of the crusade, we had a precious time with local pastors and leaders at a special conference. The Spirit of God was poured out powerfully upon all of us there, reviving a fresh hunger for Jesus and manifesting miraculous healings. Our team also visited local schools, where many young people surrendered their lives to the Lord, and held a Kids Crusade, leading many children to salvation. 

We also used our time there to go through neighborhoods, sharing about Jesus in homes and praying for miracles in each household we visited. We were able to donate 2 tons of food to families in need. We thank Jesus for His provision! 

To God be all the glory for everything we experienced in Luís Eduardo Magalhães and for the great harvest of souls and extraordinary miracles we witnessed during these days. Over 30,000 people gathered only in the last night. In all of our crusade and other activities, over 50% of the city heard the gospel face to face. I invite you to celebrate this great victory of the Kingdom of Heaven with us.

About Us

Rubens Cunha is a Brazilian born missionary evangelist, author, and international speaker who has led hundreds of thousands to Christ worldwide through massive evangelistic campaigns. His global evangelistic ministry follows the model of Jesus: proclamation and demonstration of the salvation message with signs and wonders.

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