We just held a Gospel Festival in the nation of Burkina Faso, a Muslim Majority nation in West Africa. This land is home to 20 million people and one of the poorest nations in the world.
For this campaign, we selected the small town of Zhorgo, a city with 70% of its populations professing Islam as their religion. The campaign was a great success and many lives were transformed by the Gospel of Christ!
Despite its poverty and the hardship its people face, the people of Burkina Faso is very joyful and most conversations I observed among friends were filled with loud laughter and jest.
The colorful clothes and accessories of both men and women provided for a unique visual experience that created a festive atmosphere of joy and expectation that God was about to do great things. And truth be said, He didn’t disappoint the faithful expectation of the people in the meeting and poured His power to save, heal and set free!
The worship experience during the campaign was marked by tribal dances spontaneously performed as an expression of praise and worship. If you like music and worship, this definitely needs to be in your bucket list!
The most challenging for me in this campaign was to speak with two interpreters: I spoke in English and the message had to be translated to French and the local dialect Morê. Next time I go to Burkina I will need to work on my French!
In this campaign, God did amazing miracles at every meeting! We saw many physical healings as well as deliverance. God healed the mute, the deaf and set many oppressed free.
The most important was to see the multitudes coming to Christ and receiving Him as Lord and Savior!
When you take time to pray, please remember the precious people of Burkina Faso. It is harvest time in that land!