During our missionary journey in the Amazon region, we had the opportunity to visit the city of Itacoatiara/AM. While we were there, we held a powerful evangelistic crusade. The short videos below are a record of the 3-night campaign and the extraordinary miracles Jesus did in this city.
This was the first night of our campaign in Itacoatiara. The anointing was so intense that a woman left her wheelchair and a blind woman received sight even before prayer started. About 1/3 of the people attending came forward to receive Christ.
The crowd doubled in size on the second night of our Amazon crusade! The video testimonies of the miracles Jesus did the first night have been circulating in town and causing a stir. We saw thousands give their lives to Jesus, more extraordinary miracles and the deliverance of hundreds of demon possessed. Though we do not record the demonic manifestations to protect the people, I pray for deliverance every night. God is faithful!
This was the third and last night of our crusade in Itacoatiara. The local fire marshals estimated the audience at 40,000 people. We saw thousands of lives surrendered to Christ, amazing miracles and hundreds of lives delivered from the powers of darkness. Jesus Christ is alive and this video is a demonstration of God’s love for you today.
Join me in prayer for revival in the city.